Prolonged exposure to alcohol, mainly isopropyl alcohol, can cause skin irritation, itchiness, redness, rash, dry skin and skin cracking. However, Easy Bath Body cleansing cloth is alcohol-free. Apart from the 2% chlorhexidine gluconate as its primary ingredient, Easy Bath Wet Wipes contains another essential ingredient called Allantoin.
Allantoin, (aluminum dihydroxy allantoinate) is found in several plants such as sugar beet, chamomile, tobacco seed, wheat sprouts. It is however more commonly found in comfrey, a medicinal herb that grows abundantly in parts of Europe, Asia and North America.
Commonly used in cosmetic products for its moisturizing and healing properties, Allantoin is also incorporated in anti-ageing products as it allows skin to retain higher water level in cells due to its keratolytic components.
Being an emollient in Easy Bath Wet Wipes, it works by preventing dry skin from cracking, therefore hindering the penetration of allergens, bacteria, and other viruses. It acts as a skin barrier, Allantoin also protects the skin from transepidermal water loss (TEWL/TWL); a condition where water goes from the dermis layer to epidermis layer and evaporates from the skin surface. This is especially important for bed-ridden and elderly patients, as there are limited movements involved for self-care.
Another issue that is common for immobile patients is dull skin, the result of accumulated dead skin cells. With the keratolytic properties, allantoin acts as a natural gentle exfoliator, helps in shedding old skin cells, and promotes skin regeneration.
Allantoin also stimulates healthy tissue formation. Being a proliferating healing agent, it accelerates wound healing and soothes the skin at the same time; beneficial for those with skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, psoriasis, ichthyosis, ulcers, or burns.
Learn more about Easy Bath Wet Wipes by contacting us at 03-6150 0499 or via this email for more info.
All rights to this article belong to Paradigm Medical Sdn Bhd